Every expert in commercial construction will tell you: to satisfy one’s client, one must understand their priorities. But as rigorous as it may be, the client consultation process invariably involves a margin for interpretation. After all, builders and their clients do not necessarily speak the same language.
Setting a Precedent in Construction Services Customization
True to its innovation culture, Beaudoin Canada has banked on research and development to find a solution. The result? A sophisticated method for identifying, modelling, and reading the needs of clients without approximation.

Recently contracted as a Consultant by Beaudoin Canada, Alexandre Gareau holds a Ph.D. in Social Psychology from the University of Ottawa. He is currently pursuing his research at Université Laval as a postdoctoral fellow of the Fonds de recherche du Québec – Société et culture.
He speaks about the origins of the Goal-driven Approach (GDA) and explain its positive impact.
Q1 : How did the Goal-driven Approach (GDA) emerge?
A.G. : Knowing that I was developing measurement tools and using advanced quantitative approaches in my research, Julien suspected that this challenge was right up my alley. In July 2019, Beaudoin Canada contracted me to devise this new approach.
Q2 : What does the GDA mean concretely for Beaudoin’s clients?
A.G. : The goal is to determine without any ambiguity the client’s true priorities as well as their relative magnitude. The resulting profile is then presented to the client so that they can validate or nuance it, if needs be.

Q3 : How will the Goal-driven Approach contribute to the success of your projects?
A.G. : When it comes to describing the subtle preferences of a person, words sometimes fall short. Data, however, open a window of objectivity on those preferences. The benefit of this Goal driven Approach is that it captures the richness of subjectivity with the help of quantitative data comparable among themselves
Q4 : Could results be surprising to some clients?
A.G. : By initiating this thought process so early, the project team will inevitably make a few interesting discoveries with the client! For instance, a client who thinks they will stick to their deadline at all cost could realize that all things considered, they would gladly accept a few delays if that means getting access to higher-quality materials.
Curious to take the test? Contact Amélie Larocque at ameliel@beaudoincanada.com and learn how Beaudoin’s Goal-Driven Approach could transform your next construction project.